Dog Photographer Chichester West Sussex | Pet Cockerpoo


As most pet photographers will tell you, dogs are typical photoshoot subjects. The fantastic thing about dogs is that they come in every shape and size, and they often have quite different personalities. This is one of the things which makes dog photography interesting, and of course so much fun. This particular furry client is from a beautiful village not far from Chichester in West Sussex. This photography session was special because it was her first visit to the beach. And being approximately ten months old at the time, she had the perfect environment to work off all that excess energy.

I’ve been told the most popular dog breeds in the UK are Cockerpoos and Staffies. I can certainly back that up just from the dogs I encounter most days when I go for a walk. Cockerpoos are a wonderful choice for any family or those new to owning a dog. They have lovely temperaments, lots of natural energy, they tend to be a manageable size, and they normally enjoy very good health. Their maintenance is fairly low, aside from regular clipping. They also come in a fantastic range of colours and sizes and it’s rare to see any two Cockerpoos who look the same.

Anybody who has owned a dog from a very young age will relate well to the puppy and ‘teenage’ phases, which are marked by amazing energy levels. Watching young dogs enjoying life can be hugely entertaining. But it is fair to say that those early months (or even years) can also be uniquely challenging when it comes to photographing them! As a professional dog photographer I always explain the limitations we might face in photographing the more controlled concepts. Owners are good at understanding this, simply because they’ve probably taken plenty of photos of their pet themselves. A young and boisterous pet can make some of the ideas we might have in our mind harder to get. Instead, we’ll concentrate more on the more characterful, dynamic, and candid pictures. I really enjoy doing these because they show the character of the pet so well. It’s also lovely to capture photographs of the pet and owner together. The bonds we form with our pets are special beyond measure. This session generated around 45 proofs across the morning.

My new furry friend arrived at the beach bright and early with her owner, as dawn was breaking. Clients who are happy to brave the depths of winter are often rewarded with lovely light. Winter light is clear because it doesn’t contain the dust and pollen we often see in summertime. In winter we may be battling the elements and that may mean reschedule the session once or twice as we watch the forecast. But when we do get a good day, it’s well worth it. On a bright winter’s day the light is crisp. And if we start early, it’s warm and directional. This helps to bring out colour and shape. We got a bit blustered but the miles we walked trying to keep up with our very enthusiastic furry model helped to keep us nice and warm.


I always try to get a classic portrait - a vintage gilt frame proved to be the perfect choice for this (below middle). The image was printed to traditional cotton canvas with an invisible protective laminate, and no glazing. Additionally, a panoramic montage was chosen with a wide hand-painted wooden frame - a great way of showcasing the more relaxed pictures. A collection of mounted prints is the perfect way to round off the order.

dogsLindsay Dobson