pet photography for dogs horses and cats in west and east sussex surrey and hampshire

 West Sussex pet and wildlife photographer, pet & animal portrait photography in East Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent

Welcome to Lindsay Dobson Pet Photography. I’m a pet dog, cat, bird, equine and rare breed photographer working in West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey & Hampshire. Our multi award-winning animal and pet portrait photography service covers Brighton, Horsham, Chichester, Worthing, Portsmouth, and Crawley. I photograph pets and animals of all kinds outdoors in a variety of photography-friendly locations.

My pet & animal photography is regularly seen in the photographic press and I’ve spoken at leading international events such as The Photography Show and The Societies Convention. Over the years I’ve gained distinctions such as The Societies Pet Portrait Photographer of the Year, Environmental Portrait Photographer of the Year, Fellowships with the British Institute of Professional Photography and The Societies, and over 95 Gold and Silver medals from The Societies. I’ve been a brand Ambassador for Olympus UK and I mentor new and emerging professionals. Please see our Press and Awards pages for more details.

Whilst industry awards and distinctions are the benchmark of technical and creative achievement, my clients are much more likely to value my natural and spontaneous style, and the personalised service I’m known for. Some of the kind words from our clients can be seen on our people photography website, on our testimonials page.

Booking is easy - have a look at our galleries and learn about our service via the FAQ. Then simply get in touch and tell me about your pets. Our product range is second to none including hand made albums, fine quality printing with classic & modern wall presentations. I photograph people, families, and business clients as well - there’s a link below to our people portrait site.





Welcome to the pet & animal portrait photography website of West Sussex photographer Lindsay Dobson.

Based in West Sussex near England’s south coast, I’ve been a full time professional photographer since 2009. From a Forces family, I’ve lived all over the world, settling in the home counties. As a sciences graduate my early working life lay within clinical research, with photography as a favourite hobby. In later life I was able to fulfil my ultimate dream of a career as a professional photographer.

I love the variety of working on location, where no two subjects are ever the same. Animal photography is both challenging and great fun - for me it’s the perfect antidote to the more serious side of life!

I believe strongly that cherished pets and animals deserve to be photographed just as we do. Whether your pets & kept animals are large or small, young or entering the later stages of life, we’ll work together to create photographs you’ll love. Simply pick up the phone for an informal chat about your pets.

I also photograph humans - there’s a link below in the footer, or via the ‘people’ icon above.