Fine Art Pet Dog Photographer Brighton East Sussex

Creative pet dog photographer Brighton Horsham Chichester

Fine Art Pet Dog Photographer Brighton East Sussex

Photographing two young and very boisterous German Shorthair Pointers has got to top any workout I’ve ever done. Young dogs like these are balls of energy and they’re hugely entertaining. Pet photo shoots are certainly challenging at times but that’s what makes them fun and interesting. With lively animals the mantra ‘keep shooting’ is good advice indeed – there can be little advance warning of when the best opportunities will present themselves. We can try to craft the shot as much as possible by choosing the right location, the right background, and the right framing. But animals are dynamic so moving with your subject is a prerequisite.

Fine art studies lend themselves well to either very minimal presentation or fairly bold framing. I often go against the grain and place low key studies like this in very bright, light, and perhaps white rooms. This can have real impact particularly in a pared down or minimalist environment. A low-key photograph will also work beautifully in rooms painted in rich deep colours with more ornate mouldings. This style is also ideal for formal areas such as living and dining areas. As a rule, more relaxed photography works best in kitchens and dens. All of those considerations point towards fine art imagery if the pet owner occupies a spacious and perhaps grand country house, as was the case with this particular customer.

Although this picture appears to have been taken in a studio, I work entirely on location. I don’t set up props or backdrops – we can usually find areas with sufficient light falloff in order to create a dark background. Getting our furry subjects to stay in place is another matter entirely though, as anyone who has photographed their pets will tell you. Put simply, you can’t be both photographer and pet wrangler.

Many photographers are inclined to remove collars but I think there are times when these should be left in place. They can add colour, texture and structure. They can also create a more personal portrait and can prevent a formal study from appearing staid.

dogsLindsay Dobson