Surrey Pet Dog Photography Foxhound

Dog photography is usually a lot of fun, and the best results will always be achieved when working with dogs who have at least attained a basic level of obedience. This means we can control the photography (to a degree) and therefore create a varied set of images. Dogs who are very boisterous, very young, who have not been trained can present challenges for the photographer. Where pet and dog photography is concerned flexibility is key. Very often the ideas we have simply don’t work and we have to keep changing the game plan as we go along. This may mean that the more formal shots we had envisaged don’t happen and instead we’ll create more dynamic candid images. In short, we may need to simply go with the flow! The beautiful foxhound pictured below was both friendly and obedient so gaining this classic headshot was straightforward.

This image falls within our fine art pet photography which is an additional service to our normal pet and animal photography sessions. At all of our sessions we aim to create a range of relaxed and fun images of your pet at home and out and about in the garden or within a favourite environment. Special images like this one require a little more control and may not be suitable for every pet (unless your animal is able to stay still). Because we work on location we’ll usually need to spend a considerable amount of time cleaning the background and working the photograph in order to bring out every detail. For this reason there is an additional surcharge for our fine art service, should you decide to go down that route. These special images are then presented as finished wall pieces and they do make a special and often dramatic addition to your décor.

Fine Art Pet Dog Photography Surrey Fox Hound
dogsLindsay Dobson